Friday 13 May 2011

About Fugly Bridesmaid Sarees and Photos

The Pot of Fugly at the End of the Rainbow

Why do brides always dress their bridesmaids in the fugliest things? This seems to be a cross-cultural phenomenon. Brides all over the world feel that it's necessary to have the bridesmaids looking as trashy and tacky as possible, even brides who normally have good taste. I guess the 'bridezilla' comes out and the attention must always be on the bride herself. Here's the thing bridezillas of the world, dressing your bridesmaids in fugly clothes takes the attention away from you and diverts it onto them. Fugliness always attracts attention and if your bridesmaids look like they just got caught in a pigsty explosion, no one's gonna look at you on your big day!

These have got to be the ugliest sarees I've ever seen. I can't imagine the thought process that led to the bride deciding on this design for the bridesmaids. She must've really, really hated them. Either that or she looked like a train wreck herself and she wanted to divert the attention onto the bridesmaids on purpose. I hate tie-die sarees in general, but these give even tie-die a bad name. They look like the kind of balloons I used to see at birthday parties. You know, the ones that looked like they were factory defects.

Oldmaids not Bridesmaids

These sarees are way too shiny to be allowed! Let's ignore the blidning effect the sarees have for a second and consider the entire look. I hate it, and I mean I absolutely hate it, when people wear a saree as if it's a bed sheet. If you don't know how to wear one properly and neatly, then get someone else to do it for you. Otherwise, don't wear one at all. You're just making yourself look like an idiot. Secondly, WTF is up with those blouses? You couldn't find matching blouses to go with those fugly sarees? Those saree blouses look like they were rejects from a poor widowed great-grandmother somewhere in an Indian village. Ughh.

Cow Shit
The sarees aren't that bad in terms of design. Yes, they're really cheap bridesmaid sarees, but at least the bride picked a tolerable design. What makes you turn away from this sight is the colour. First of all, there are two different colours. If you're gonna have a gazillion bridesmaids, make sure you can find them all matching sarees! Otherwise, you're gonna have to reduce their numbers and get the ones left something nice. Don't worry about offending someone, they'll probably be extremely thankful they wouldn't have to wear the fugliness you're making the bridesmaids wear. What's the worst part about all this is the horrid colour. One is a tolerable green and the other looks like the colour of mutated crap. I know Desis have a special bond with cows, but does that mean you gotta dress your bridesmaids in cow shit? Nasty!

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